Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Castle - 4x05 and 4x06 - Quick Thoughts!

I'm still so damn behind on Castle, even though it's one of my favorite shows this season. So I'm going to try and double up on some posts, see if I can't catch up soon.

Castle - 4x05 - Eye of the Beholder

  • A fun romp that's a nice counterweight to Kick the Ballistics.
  • Beckett's getting pretty blatantly jealous here. And she straight up admits that to the shrink too. Hah. I knew it. Not that it took much deductive reasoning or anything. 
  • Please let them handle the inevitable fallout/breakup in a new and intersting, and dramatically decent way. I get the need for dramatic ups and downs, but let's not make this overwrought. I, for one, would be super surprised if Kate finds out, is angry, but understands why Castle did it, and forgives him. It might reek a little of hitting the reset button/getting off easy, but we know they're gonna wind up there anyway, so why put us through melodramatic "never agains!"? 
  • Unless they aren't going to end up there again. Maybe Kate has enough, breaks up with Castle, and he has to follow a new cop around. Or the show loses the "following the cop" theme altogether. I'd really rather not have that, since I've grown fond of Ryan,  Esposito, and god knows my world would be a poorer place without Stana Katic on my tv.
  • Ahh, Kristin Lehmann. I miss Strange World. It was a low budget Fringe roughly a decade ahead of its time. It also introduced me to the awesome that is Tim Guinee.
  • Every episode that passes on this show is another week that I get seriously depressed that there's not someone casting Molly Quinn as a young Barbara Gordon circa Batgirl Year One. Come on Hollywood! There's only so much time left!

Castle - 4x06 - Demons

  • Another kind of fun romp, though with a bit of a darker edge to it.
  • This episode is a perfect example of what I've been saying: Beckett is noticeably warmer to Castle. Even when she's blatantly shooting down his superstitious ideas, she's doing it in a laughy, teasing manner. A year ago her stopping him flipping over the blackboard would've been a harsh :BAM: Now it's literally with a soft touch.
  • I like the idea of trading Castle off with Ryan or Esposito every once in awhile. Makes snese, dramatically to shake things up, and it also really makes it feel like one team, as opposed to Lone Wolf Detective And Random Civilian Boss Around Two Decorated Cops. 
  • I can't put my finger on it, but I really loved the explanation of the hidden crawlspace above the living room. And how Castle found out about it.
  • I still like the storylines they give Alexis. Throughout the entire show it could've been so fucking easy to just slough her off on cliche teen storylines, make her unbearably horrible, or even obnoxiously twee and perfect. I don't doubt some may find her the latter, but her or her storylines never quite reached that place for me yet. Even this episode, where the story was relatively boring, it wasn't annoying, and it probably kind of resonates with a lot of people. I also liked the unsubtle parallel between Ashley and Kate. Also, I should mentioned, I don't like Ashley.
  • What I kind of want to know, is how did the killer even get the idea to build a freaking electromagnetic (pulse?) generator to simulate ghostly effects in the first place. That's some fucking Scooby Doo shit right there.
  • On a possibly sexist note, is Stana Katic looking a bit too thin these days? Something in the face makes her look like she's going on the supermodel diet. Please don't. :(

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