Friday, June 22, 2012

Rory Williams Politely Asks for Directions...


Listen, when you're travelling in strange portions of the galaxy, centuries removed from your hometown, it helps to keep a good head on your shoulders when dealing with the locals. Their reluctance to point you in the general direction of where you need to go isn't necessarily malice or backwards customs. Sometimes they may just have trouble understanding you. Maybe those metal earmuffs block out a lot of sound. Maybe they're listening to music. Either way, it's best not to lose your temper. So let's give it up for Rory "Would you like me to repeat the question" Williams for keeping his indefatigable cool in a tense situation. Like a Boss.

There really isn't anything else like this in Rory's brief, but illustrious career of bossing, so just watch the entire awesome scene.

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