Sunday, June 17, 2012

Okay, Let's Try This Again

It's a good thing nobody was reading this (except for you weird-spam-bots-with-the-most-frightening-referral-URL's. Seriously, what is your deal?) because a six month gap in regular updates is just craptastic. The whole point of this was to see if I could keep to a schedule. Apparently I can. For a few months at a time. And then I just stop. Would anyone believe I was abducted by crazed hillbillies? Carried off by bedbugs? No? Why the fuck not?

To be honest, I really missed writing, and I need something to look forward to, so it's high-time to give this another shot.

That means going forward, I'm going to try and change the format around here a little, such as it is. For one thing, I'm going to try and stop writing about shows I just plain don't like to write about. That doesn't always mean a show is bad (cough), it's hard to write about some shows that I actually love too. For certain shows I really don't have anything to say but "that was awesome". It's part of the reason I never got around to some of my really favorite shows like Parks and Rec and Community. So being way more selective about what gets recapped around here is step one. 

I'm going to try and finish reviewing the seasons of the four shows I already started. If nothing else, I'm really curious how HIMYM and New Girl ended out, and those were the ones I had the most fun writing. 

I also always wanted to write more feature articles, so I'm going to be giving more effort to doing that. To compensate, I'll probably be paring down the number of recaps/reviews I do. Admittedly "four shows" isn't exactly that large a number, but somehow it still got away from me. I've had a few ideas for proper articles/posts written down for almost two years but never quite got around to it. I've also seen the occasional article online that I wanted to repost and comment on, but the little voice inside my head said "finish your backlog first!", and then he hit me and stroked my hair while whispering "you made me do that, you made me do that"...


I'm also going to try and strike a better balance with the length of the episode posts. Make them less recaps and more reviews. It's hard to find the balance between writing about the really interesting stuff without slipping into just describing the entire ep. Somewhere between Television Without Pity's weecaps and the AV Club's TV Club reviews is what I'm aiming for.

So for this big return week, I'm gonna start out a little small, trying to catch up on the New Girl and HIMYM recaps, but I'm also going to try and break out of my comfort zone a little by writing what will (hopefully) be the first of weekly proper columns. And then, just to grease the wheels around here daily, we're going to have a little more fun here by celebrating (dum dum dum) Rory Williams Week! 

June 17th is Arthur Darvill's birthday, and what better way to celebrate the day he was yanked headfirst out of his mother's vagina than by highlighting Rory William's greatest achievements in the most perfunctory and Internet-lazy way possible. 

But seriously, Rory and Arthur are muthafecking awesome and the Rory Williams series of posts is an idea I've had for months, so I can't wait to get started.

Anyway, let's see how long I can keep it going this time. Maybe actually sending the link to people would be a good idea...Nah!

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