Saturday, January 21, 2012

Up All Night - 1x11 - First Christmas

A mostly forgettable episode, though not bad or anything. It never came close to the lows of Cool Neighbors, but it also didn't have anything hilarious or memorable in it like First Night Away. Ava sinks to a new low in her relationship with Kevin, but we've seen her sink so much lower, and she manages to maintain much more dignity than usual. We do get Blythe Danner back as Reagan's overbeating/intellectual mom, but she doesn't really do anything but be borderline bitchy, without any of the great over the top moments or anecdotes of Parents. So overall, eh.

Christmas is around the corner, and when baby Amy is taken with Geneandterry's nauseating holiday decorations, Reagan decides to deck out their house because it's their job to make her eyes light up like that. Aw. So Reagan goes a little crazy decorating the house, but not really, and it mostly looks okay, so I'm not sure where that plot was supposed to go. Reagan's mom shows up to tsk-tsk at the whole thing, but doesn't really contribute otherwise, except to steal her own neighbors equally tacky roof Santa to appease the Crazy that is Reagan. They bond over drunkenly installing it on the roof, but otherwise, that's pretty much it.

Chris, meanwhile, wants to give Reagan a perfect gift that really shows how much she means to him. Unfortunately, Wimenz Be Liking ROCKS, and since he's given up his job (and refused Ava's money in a pretty funny moment of inappropriateness), he can't afford to buy her the blinged out tennis bracelet Ava says she really wants. This was actually a pretty decent little subplot, as tortured and worried is something Arnet does very well, and unlike the other two, it actually had an arc and denouement. Chris sells a bunch of hockey collectibles to have enough money to head to the store and buy the bracelet in the middle of christmas even department store mania. Mania which wasn't particularly...manic. In return, Reagan flips her shit over it and in return gives him a signed puck which he can add to his non-existent collection.

I don't know why, but it's just funnier when they also blur out the mouth.

Those aren't even the right kind of binoculars for daytime
In Ava-land, Kevin and his ex-wife have decided to spend the holidays together at his house, for McKenna's sake, and this torpedoes Ava's planned skiing holiday. So like any normal person she says she understands and wishes Kevin and McKenna a happy holiday. Wait, that IS what a normal person does! She also lies about going on the trip by herself, camps out at Reagan and Chris' house and spies on Kevin and his family through binoculars (and at one point, another neighbor's house). That's more like it. Naturally, Kevin catches her, and for some reason doesn't dump her on the spot. This is something that only happens on sitcoms, people. The "I only stalked you because I love you so much!" tactic can only result in pepper spray and a kick to the gonads that still hasn't healed three months later what is your problem Tanya I LOVED YOU!!

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